Attention: Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Online Marketers And Marketing Agencies...

The Weird (Almost Backwards)

Funnel Secrets

...That Is Currently Being Used By An Underground Group Of Entrepreneurs 

To Sell Almost ANYTHING You Can Dream Of!

From: Russell Brunson
Boise, Idaho

Dear Friend,

Hey, I'm Russell Brunson.

I'm the CEO of ClickFunnels.

I'm the author of Three bestselling books. I'm also a father of Five children, and I grew up as a wrestler.
Secrets Books
I've also had the chance to help over 100,000+ business owners to grow their companies online... with a thing that we're going to talk about today called ‘sales funnels’. 

I'm also the guy who hands out these…

2 Comma Club Award

These are called the

   ‘Two Comma Club’ Awards... 

And we give these awards to entrepreneurs or small business owners who have grossed over a MILLION dollars inside of a funnel! (We call it the ‘Two Comma Club’ Award because in a million dollars, there's two commas.) 
Right now, I'm going to show you…

The Weird (Almost Backwards) Secret...

That Is Currently Being Used By An Underground Group Of Entrepreneurs To Sell Almost ANYTHING You Can Dream Of!

And, I'm going to show you the journey of other people who are just like you, who were on a webclass like this...and they now have funnels.

They've changed their business FOREVER.

People like Jaime Cross...

Jaime Cross
Jaime is an entrepreneur who started a business selling soaps.

When she first started creating these soaps, she'd go door-to-door selling.

And then, she started going to Farmer's Markets to sell them. 
She wanted to figure out,  

“How Do I GROW Faster?
How Do I Sell MORE Of My Products?”

So she came to this webclass, and she learned about ‘funnels’...and she took these products that she had created, and started plugging them into funnels... 

Within less than a year

after launching her very first funnel, Jaime was on stage with her husband winning a ‘Two Comma Club’ Award!

2 Comma Club Award
Another person who was just like you, who was on this webclass, (you may have seen her ads online) is...

Kaelin Poulin...

Kaelin Poulin
(A.K.A. The Lady Boss.)

Kaelin wanted to help women to lose weight.

So she came to this webclass...

She learned about funnels...

She launched her product through a funnel…

And now she’s had a chance to help over 100,000 women…  and won MULTIPLE ‘Two Comma Club’ Awards in the process! 

Kaelin Poulin 2CC Award

The next is Gabe Schillinger...

Gabe Schillinger...
Gabe is one of my favorite stories because he was a struggling musician…

He was trying to figure out how in the world he could take his art - the thing he was GOOD at…

...and actually make MONEY with it.
He came to this webclass, and he learned about ‘funnels’.
And he said to himself, 

"I could take the beats that I create, and I could sell them through funnels! "

Within a year of Gabe attending this webclass, he ALSO won a ‘Two Comma Club’ Award!!

Gabe Schillinger
I want you to understand something…

These stories
aren't UNIQUE.

See, we have literally almost 1,000 stories just like this of people who are just like you before they watch this webclass…

And each of them have come on stage with me and won a ‘Two Comma Club’ Award...

2 Comma Club Award
One thing I want to stress before we get too deep into this…

I want you to understand that this presentation is NOT a business opportunity.

And this is NOT going to be teaching some way to ‘get rich quick’...

ClickFunnels (and the strategies
I'm going to be showing you today) 

ClickFunnels (and the strategies I'm going to be showing you today) 

is a TOOL to help you to grow an existing business FASTER

It helps you if you've got a product like Jaime…

Or like Kaelin…

Or like Gabe…

And you can take that product or service, and plug it into a funnel to help you grow FASTER. 

Here's My GOAL
For You...

 If you're an EXISTING business owner…

I want to show you how to take your product or service…

Plug it into a funnel…

And grow your company way FASTER. 

 If you’re in the STARTUP phase, and you're trying to figure things out…

I want to show you how you can use a funnel to grow a NEW startup very, very quickly.

By the time this presentation is over, you're going to walk away knowing TWO things with absolute certainty...

  • #1 - ‘Funnel Hacking(the process that I’m going to show) - will work for YOU, and for your business.
  • ​I’ll show you EXACTLY what you need to do to be successful with funnels inside of your business, or the businesses that you consult for.
If you give me your ATTENTION for the next few minutes, I can change your business (and maybe your life)...  

So, the first question people always ask me is,

 “What in the world is a ‘FUNNEL’?

And do I actually need one
for my company?”

To help you understand what a funnel is, let me tell you about the very first product that I ever sold online, and how I discovered what a funnel was...

It was a DVD teaching people how to make Potato Guns.

(And yes, this is a real thing!) 
Potato Gun Bundle
People always think this is a joke, but it was the FIRST product that I ever created myself...

I put it online, and I started selling it the way I was selling it.

I would go to Google, and I’d buy Google ads.
Google Adwords
I would bid on keywords like “potato gun” or “spud gun”.

So when someone typed in “potato gun” in Google, my ad would show for this DVD, and they would click on the ad...

They would come over here to my page, and BUY it...

Here’s Where It got REALLY Exciting...

I would spend about $10 a day ads to sell one DVD.

And these DVDs were selling for $37 at the time.  

That means, I got to KEEP $27 in my pocket!

At the time, I was a college kid, so that was a TON of money!

I was so excited, and this worked GREAT for three or four weeks...  

And then something happened... 

I Got ‘SLAPPED’...

You may have heard of the “Google Slap”.

Basically what happened was, Google raised the price of their ads...

So instead of spending $10 to sell a DVD, I was spending like $50 to sell a DVD.  

(Let’s do the math on that..) 

If it costs you $50 to sell a DVD,
but you only make $37... 

You can't run a business like that.

After two or three days, I turned my ads OFF.

I thought my business was DONE.

I remember being depressed thinking I’d have to go back to school and figure out how to get a ‘real job’.

I thought I had figured out a way to kind of beat the system. 

Then, one day, I got a call from a friend...

He had a very similar business to mine.

He wasn't selling potato gun DVDs, but he was also selling things like this online.

I asked him,
“Does your business get shut down, too?”

He said,
“It did for a little bit, but I figured out how to get it BACK ONLINE.
We started adding an “upsell”.

I asked,
“What is an upsell?”

He said,
“Well, have you been to McDonald's before? When you go through the drive-thru and you order a Big Mac, what's the first question they ALWAY ask?”

I said,
“Well, the first question they ask is,

 ‘Do You Want Fries And Coke With That?’ 

He said,
“Exactly. THAT’S an upsell…”

Did you know that McDonald's actually loses money when someone buys a Big Mac...but they make their PROFIT when they get fries and a Coke?

I never thought about it until he told me that.
Big Mac With Fries
He said, “The SAME thing is TRUE in my business and yours as well…

I was selling my product, but when Google raised their prices, I couldn't make any money anymore.

So I started adding these ‘upsells’. And about 1 out of every 3 people who bought his FIRST product started buying my upsells!”

Amazing, right?!

I wondered how it worked, and what I could use as an upsell for my Potato Gun DVD…

He said,
“What's the NEXT LOGICAL THING someone needs after they buy your Potato Gun DVD?"
I said,  
“Well, they would have to drive to Home Depot to buy all of the pipes...

And the igniters..

And ALL the stuff to actually build their potato gun.”
Potato Guns
He said,  
“Why don't you sell “Potato Gun Kits” to the people who buy your potato gun DVDs? That could be your ‘upsell’.

It was a
GREAT idea!

So this is the very FIRST funnel I ever created... 

Potato Gun KIT
After we launched this, 

 1 out of every 3 people who bought the DVD ended up buying the Potato Gun KIT...

(and it completely changed our business FOREVER)!

Now you might be thinking, 

“Well, That's Awesome, Russell…
But I Don't Sell POTATO GUNS.”

Honestly, at first, I didn't know how this was actually going to relate to other businesses.

I started searching…

And I found out that this is NOT the only type of funnel.

There are a LOT of different types of funnels!

Do you have a business that just needs more LEADS?

There are specific funnels just for you.

There are funnels set up to sell ANY kind of product…



Physical products…

All sorts of stuff!

There's even different funnels for doing webinars and webclasses...
Funnel Designs

As you can probably tell, I became slightly obsessed with sales funnels.

It's become my entire life's work.

I've written THREE books on the topic (which you should read if you have a chance someday.)
Secrets Books
First off, I want to show you guys the HARD WAY of building funnels… 

The HARD WAY Of Building Funnels...

I call this ‘The HARD Way’ because this is what we had to do over the first 10 years of building funnels!
It used to be really difficult, and really EXPENSIVE.

But don't stress out..

After this, I’m going to show you ‘The EASY Way’…

(Because we can literally build funnels out in less than 10 minutes now.)

This Is An Example Of A Supplement Funnel
We Created A Couple Of Years Ago...

Supplement funnel
Here’s what we had to go through, just to get this one funnel launched...

Step 1:

We had to DESIGN the funnel.

So we sketched it out and thought,

“What's it going to look like?”
“What's the first product?”
“What's the second product?”

We mapped out what the funnel was going to LOOK like. And that part doesn't cost you any money, but it DOES take some of your time. 
Step 1

Step 2:

You have to WRITE the COPY that goes on the pages.

This is the headlines…

The bullet points…

The stories on the page…

This is typically the MOST EXPENSIVE part!

For this funnel right here, it cost me $20,000 to get the copy written!
Step 2

Step 3:

Get a GRAPHIC DESIGNER to take the sales letter, and DESIGN it.

That way, it looks really cool when we put it online... 
Step 3

Step 4:

Web Design

After the designer is done, now we have to get someone who's really good at HTML and CSS to chop up the design and actually put it online... so that it's an actual webpage. 

But then, I went to the webpage, and DIDN’T WORK.
Step 4

Step 5:


So then I had to hire a programmer to go connect the shopping cart, and the autoresponder, and all the things… 

That way, somebody could actually go and BUY the product when they got there.
Step 5

My Upfront Costs Just For
This ONE Funnel Alone

My Upfront Costs Just For This ONE Funnel Alone

Was $29,000!

But the WORST thing was the fact that I had already bought the supplements.

And they were sitting in a warehouse gathering dust for eight weeks!

It took us TWO FULL MONTHS to build out this one funnel… 

That's how much work it was to build a funnel back in the day.  

But now, because you guys are here today, like I said, you have a chance to CHEAT, and just get this ‘The EASY Way’... 

Now, I want you to understand something…

If you tried to make money online
in the past, and you FAILED…

If you tried to make money online in the past, and you FAILED…

This Is Probably WHY!

Can you SEE all the steps?

It's expensive.

There's a lot of things you have to do.

There's people you have to hire. 

There's there's just so much that goes into it…

And if you've tried in the past and you failed, that's probably why.

I want you to understand…
Russell Brunson

This is NOT your fault.

Don't stress about it.

It's because you didn't understand what I'm about to show you...  

So the title of this presentation today is called,

‘Funnel Hacking 


 Now, I'm going to be covering THREE secrets...

 Secret #1:

How To Ethically Steal Over $1,000,000 Of ‘Funnel Hacks’ From Your Competitors… 

For Under $100.

The FIRST thing you have to understand is something I learned from Tony Robbins...

He said,
If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded...
Makes perfect sense, right?

I started thinking about the things in my life that I had success with…and how I BECAME successful… 

The first thing I thought about was wrestling... 

When I was a kid, I started wrestling, and at first I wasn’t good AT ALL. 

My dad would go with me to these wrestling tournaments, we’d watch the people who were WINNING the tournaments.

He would film them, and we'd go back home afterwards, and watch the matches over, and over, and over again.
Russell Wrestling

We saw what the BEST people were doing...

And then I would go back and MODEL IT

In a very short period of time, I went from being a bad wrestler…

To a good wrestler… 

To becoming a state champ…  

And taking “2nd Place in the country” in High School… 

And being ranked the ‘Top 10’ in the country in College!
Russell Winning

The same thing is TRUE in business...

Some people don't know this, but I DON’T have a business degree.

In fact, I actually got a ‘C’ in my marketing class, (which is kind of funny).

But I knew that I wanted to figure out a way to make money online when I was in college.

So I jumped online.

I started looking at it, and asking,

“Who are the people that are having SUCCESS?”

I started looking at what they were doing.


And in a very short period of time,

We Went From Having NO Business...

To Making Over $1,000,000 In Sales Within One Year Of Graduating From College. 

Russell Selling
And the SAME thing is true with your funnels... 

It's not different.  

All you do is find someone who has a funnel that’s successful…  And then MODEL it.

Now, every time I tell somebody that, they always come back and say,

“But Russell...I'm kind of creative. I’ve got a better way to do it.”

I want you to understand that you don't HAVE to go and be creative.

In fact, being creative is probably going to hurt you.

There's a quote that says,

“You Can Always Tell Who The Pioneers Are Because They Have Arrows In Their Back And They're Lying Face Down In The Dirt.”

And that is definitely true in entrepreneurship.

Most entrepreneurs don't fail because their ideas aren't good...

They FAIL because they run out of time, or run out of money before they ever get to the finish line. 

The first time I ever got this, I was a young kid, about 22 years old...

I was at a marketing event, sitting in the back and taking notes.

I remember one of the speakers came on stage named Porter Stansberry.
Agora Publishing Porter Stansberry
Porter worked for a company called Agora Publishing.

At the time, he ran the largest division of Agora, called Stansberry research. 

If you've ever heard of Agora, they are the BIGGEST financial newsletter in the world.  

They do over $1.5 BILLION a year in sales!
And I was so fascinated listening to him talk about how they grew their business, how they grew so fast and all the things that they're doing.

Then, he started walking through their actual funnel.

I began mapping out everything he was saying, as he was saying it. 

I was so excited!

 In the middle of it, he suddenly stopped...

And he said,

“You know what’s interesting?

Every single year we get competitors who see how much money we’re making at Agora.  
And they want to have a piece of that!

So they came in, and said ‘Ok, the FIRST thing we're going to do is try to UNDERCUT Agora's pricing’…

And it never works...

And then, they’d come back and say, ‘Well, maybe we'll try to sell it differently.’

They’d have a different idea about how to sell, so they’d try that…

And it never works…”

He said to them,

“Don't you understand?

At Agora, we have over 100+ Full-Time employees who are just split-testing their copywriters, and testing EVERY single variation you could possibly dream up. 
And that’s when he said something I’ll ALWAYS remember…

He said,

“There's NO way you can compete with Agora. 

If you want to try to compete with us, you have to just COPY us.

And that's when the light bulb went off for me.

I sat there listening to Porter, thinking:

Why in the world would I try to go and REINVENT the wheel?

Instead, I needed to figure out :
  • Who in my market already has arrows in their back?
  • ​Who's already tested a whole bunch of things?
  • Who in my market already has arrows in their back?
  • ​Who's already tested a whole bunch of things?
Let me see where they are today, right now...And then just MODEL that.
Shortly after that, we had the idea to launch our brand new supplement company called Neuracel.

I thought,

“Instead of me trying to reinvent the wheel, and be creative...I'm going to go find somebody who's already been SUCCESSFUL.

And we're going to MODEL them.

So the first step in ‘Funnel Hacking’ is,

Step 1:

Find Someone SUCCESSFUL To "Funnel Hack"

Look for somebody you can MODEL.

So for Neuracel, we went out there and tried to find a company who had a similar product to ours.

And eventually I found this company right here…
Old Computer
I remember looking at his page and thinking, 

“This is literally the UGLIEST page I've ever seen in my life!”

But then I thought, 

“You know what? Maybe they have some arrows in the back...  
Maybe they know something I don't know…”

So I said,

“Ok, when we build our supplement, let's MODEL this page as close as we can…”

So this is our version of the page that we created… 
Funnel Hacking
It looks very similar, right?

We modeled the look
and the feel, and the layout... 

They had LOGO in the top left hand corner? We had a LOGO.

They had a PHONE NUMBER in the right corner? We had a PHONE NUMBER.

They had a HEADLINE? We had a HEADLINE.

They had a picture of their PRODUCT? We had a picture of our PRODUCT.  

We modeled the, look, the feel, the layout, the price, everything…

But we didn't copy ANYTHING.

I want to understand this…

A lot of people think,

“I'm just going to copy everybody else.”

That's NOT what I'm talking about, here...

Copying is unethical.

It's immoral.

And that's NOT what ‘Funnel Hacking’ is.

Funnel hacking is looking at what are the things that are successful?  

The look…  The feel…  The layout…  The price…

We MODEL those things...

Then, we put in our copy… 

Our pictures… 


To sell our product and our services.

So that's what happened… 

We found this funnel.

And then we built our version, and we launched it.
After we launched this funnel, we started selling our supplement.

And in a very short period of time,

We got to the point where we were selling
about 10 bottles a day.

I was pretty excited...that’s 300 bottles a month!


This is where most people STOP.

But I wanted to figure out, 

“How do we GROW this company even bigger?” 

That's where we go to Step #2… 

Step 2:

'Funnel Hack' Them

That means, you actually get to go and BUY their product...

I did what EVERY good entrepreneur has to become good at doing.

I got my wallet out of my pocket...

I opened my wallet.

I went to the website, and pulled out my credit card…

And actually BOUGHT their product. 
Wallet on laptop
Now unfortunately for me and for them, they didn't actually have a funnel.

They just had a static website.

So I thought,

“There's got to be somebody who knows how to sell. Someone who sells a LOT more…”

So I started looking for somebody new to ‘Funnel Hack’.

Eventually, I found this funnel right here... 
Sales Page example
This page was selling a product called Marine D3.

So I did some research…

I called around, and I found out that this company was selling between 300-500 bottles...PER DAY!

They were selling MORE per day than I was selling per month!

I knew I needed to figure this out...

So I went to the page...

I went over to the order form...
And I saw that the order form was kind of weird.

They were selling 1, 3, or 4 bottles.

So I needed to figure out,

“What are they doing BEHIND-the-scenes?

I thought, If they are selling that much more than me, they’ve GOT to know something that I DON’T know.
So what did I do?
sales letter example
I pulled my credit card out of my wallet, and actually BOUGHT the supplement.
And then, it took me to the NEXT page...

I looked at the next page, and there was an UPSELL, with 6 MORE BOTTLES of the exact SAME thing I just purchased! 
Upgrade order
And I remember thinking,

“I literally just bought four bottles like two seconds ago. Now you're selling me 6 more?!?”

And at first, I was like,

“These guys do NOT know what they're doing. This is ridiculous! Nobody is going to buy FOUR bottles, and then SIX more!”

And then I thought,

WHAT IF they've tested this? WHAT IF they have some arrows in their back that I don’t know about?”

So, instead of me trying to reinvent the wheel, I said,

“I'm just going to put my skepticism on the wall for a minute, and keep going through this funnel…

These FIVE pages were the funnel that they were using to sell up to 300-500 bottles PER DAY...

sales page examples
Now that brings us to Step #3 in the ‘Funnel Hacking’ process…

Step 3:

Create A Funnel

I had just found the FUNNEL that I needed to create to be successful at selling supplements, right?

Now, I'm going to sketch out
and create a BLUEPRINT.

Now, I'm going to sketch out and create a BLUEPRINT.

We'll call it the
‘funnel blueprint’.

This blueprint literally becomes like your business plan.

So we got out a marker, and went to our whiteboard...

And I sat down and said,

“Ok, this is what the funnel looks like...

I need to create something similar.” 

So the first thing I needed to create, was a page that looks like THIS…

I sketched a VIDEO at the top of the page...

And a HEADLINE up at the top...

And a BUTTON underneath the video that says, “Add To Cart”.

After that page, I needed to
take them to an Order Form.

On the order form, I'd offer either 1 bottle, 3 bottles or 4 bottles...
(Because they had already proven that that's how you sell supplements.)
That's what works in the market TODAY.

After someone buys it, then
I’ll have an UPSELL

...where I sell SIX MORE BOTTLES of the exact SAME thing.

So I sketched six more bottles...

 Then after that, we'll take
through the rest of the funnel.

So I sketched out my BLUEPRINT... and now I have what need to create to be successful.
A lot of people come to me like,

“But Russell, I have a business plan.
Can I show it to you?”

And they show me a 30-page business plan.

They show me what they're planning on doing with their projections, and all sorts of stuff.

I said,

“No, no, no. That's NOT what you need to be successful TODAY. What you need to be successful today is the funnel BLUEPRINT.”

This is it.

THIS is your business plan.
THIS is your business model.

Russell Holding Drawing
I know what I need to have on Page 1, and on Page 2, and Page 3, and so on...

I know EXACTLY what I need to create to be successful, right?

I can now MODEL this.

Now that I've got my Funnel Blueprint, I can go to Step #4…

Step 4:

Build It In

Now I can log into ClickFunnels, and I can build out this entire funnel as you’ll see here in a minute, in less than 10 minutes!

And that's exactly what we did.

I took this business BLUEPRINT that we created, and I started building inside of ClickFunnels.

On Page 1,

we had a video with an ‘add to cart’ button, like THIS...

Sales letter

Then on Page 2,

we created an Order Form with 1, 3, or 4 bottles…just like the funnel that we ‘Funnel Hacked’!

One time offer

Then, Page 3

was an UPSELL for 6 MORE BOTTLES of the exact same thing…

One timer offer

 Then we had Pages #4 & #5 offering our other product...

One timer offer

And that became the FUNNEL...

Sales pages
We took that funnel, and launched it online.

Here’s what’s CRAZY about this…

We went from selling 300 bottles
of our supplement per month...

We went from selling 300 bottles of our supplement per month...

to almost 300
bottles PER DAY!

Are you getting this?

It changed EVERYTHING for us!

Here’s the coolest thing about this...

 My TOTAL investment to learn ALL of these ‘Funnel Hacks’?

About $100.

I just had to go be willing to pull my credit card out of my wallet, and buy their product.

After I did that, I was able to see EVERYTHING.

I want to share with you a Case Study to show you how POWERFUL this concept really is...

You can see how it worked for me…

But I want to show you HOW it works for other people as well. 
I have a friend named Drew Canole.

He owns a company called FitLife.TV...

And they were thinking about launching a new company called Organifi.

It was a supplement company, and he came to me and said, 

“I know you're having success with supplements. What should we do? How should we do this?” 
Drew Canole
So I explained the SAME ‘Funnel Hacking’ principles that just told you to him. 

And he looked at, and said, 

“Ok. We’ll do it.”

So he went and he actually ‘Funnel Hacked’ me...

Then, they built their funnel, and they launched it.. 

And want you to hear in their own words exactly what happened… 

(This is Djamel, who built out their funnel for Organifi…) 

Can you BELIEVE that?

Can you see how EXCITING this can be, and how quickly you can launch a company when you understand these principles? 

One extra note…

I had somebody who watched that video recently and said, 

“Russell, that's cool, but I don't sell supplements like you and Drew. How am I supposed to do this?” 

Yes, this does work for supplement funnels…

But it ALSO works for:
  • Coaching funnels... 
  • ​Info product funnels…
  • E-Commerce funnels...
  • Network Marketing funnels...
  • Affiliate funnels...
  • Brick and Mortar businesses...

It works for ALL types of funnels,  and ALL types of businesses! 

For example, maybe you’re a coach
(or you'd like to be a coach)...

It might be a health coach…

A fitness coach…

A business coach…

If you're a coach, or you'd like to become a coach, this is my Coaching Funnel.

(I built my entire coaching business with THIS funnel.)
Sales pages
This is not just something I just pulled out of thin air.

I've been testing this for over a DECADE!

It’s flawless. It works perfectly.

So if you're a coach, or you want to be a coach, you literally should just ‘Funnel Hack’ my Coaching Funnel. 

Or what if you’re selling information products,
books, or courses (or you’d like to)?

If that's the case, then I'd recommend looking at some of my Info Product Funnels.

This is the funnel right here that I used to sell my books and my courses.
Here’s what’s CRAZY…

Most authors sell less than 300 copies of a book in a LIFETIME. And yet, this funnel sells over 1,000 books PER WEEK for me!

Sales pages
And it has now for over 5 years!

So, if you are selling information products or courses, or you'd like to, you should literally just ‘Funnel Hack’ this funnel.

What if you’re selling PHYSICAL products
(or you'd like to?)

It could be a potato gun DVD…

It could be a flashlight…

It could be supplements... 

It doesn't matter.

It could be ANY physical product!

Maybe you're already selling products on Amazon or Shopify or Etsy.

And you're like,

“I want to put my products inside of a funnel, so my business can grow FASTER!”

If that's the case, then THIS is the kind of funnel I would use for that... 
Sales pages
This is the funnel we use for one of my friends who had a physical product company selling these products inside of Home Depot.

They wanted to come online. So we showed this E-commerce funnel.

And they plugged it in…

And literally OVERNIGHT, this product BLEW UP online!

So if you're selling physical products, or you'd like to, you should probably ‘Funnel Hack’ this E-commerce Funnel...

And how about Network Marketing?

This is one of my Network Marketing funnels... 
Sales PAges
I used to generate leads WITHOUT talking to friends or family members...EVER!

So if you're in Network Marketing, or you'd like to be, you should use this funnel.

What if you have a physical storefront, like a Brick and Mortar business?

Like a dentist…

Or a chiropractor… 

Or you sell financial services or something… 

Now, obviously I don't own my own brick and mortar company, but there are TONS of people inside ClickFunnels, who DO.

There are funnels just like that to generate LEADS, to bring clients and patients into the front door that you can use. 

In fact, this is one right here...
Sales Pages
One of my friends, who is a chiropractor, uses ClickFunnels to generate LEADS, to get people inside of his business.

So if you're a chiropractor, a dentist, a financial planner, a restaurant, a gym, or a Brick & Mortar business of any kind...  

You can ‘Funnel Hack’ this funnel to figure how to get more patients, or more clients into the door of your physical location.
The next question I get all the time is,

“Russell, where do I find a GOOD funnel? And how do I know how much money they're actually making? Because I DON’T want to ‘Funnel Hack’ someone who's broke... Right?”

GREAT question...  

Now the reality is, these funnels are actually hidden in PLAIN SIGHT!

My guess is you probably see 10, or 20, or 30 of these every day. (And you may not even know it!)

Let me show you how to find funnels that are going to be similar to the markets that you want to be in.

Step 1: Find A Fan Page

I go to Facebook, and go up to the Search Bar, and type in the KEYWORD for the product or service that I want to sell.

So for this example, I'm going to type in “Weight Loss”.
What shows up is a bunch of weight loss companies...
So I pick one of them, (we’ll use this example called V Shred)...

I click on that, and it takes me to the Facebook fan page.

The FIRST thing you want to do is ‘LIKE’ their fan page.
Fan page
When you do this, a couple of things are gonna happen…

#1 - Their ads are showing up inside your Facebook feed ALL the you can see what ads are running, and to what funnels.

Now, if they're NOT making any money, you're not going to see any ads, but if they ARE making money, then their ads can show up over and over and over and over again. 

That's how you’ll know if a funnel is
actually making money.

Step 2: Go To Ads Library

After I've liked their Fan Page, the next thing to do is scroll down to this link that says “Page Transparency” and click on “See More”...

After I do that, there's gonna be a pop-up that shows up that says, “Go To Ad Library.” 
Ad manager

This takes you my FAVORITE place in the entire internet.  (And most people don't even know this exists!)

The Ads Library will show you every single ad that V Shred (or whatever competitor you're looking for) are currently running.


I can start scrolling through, and see ad after ad, after ad after ad…

But that’s not even the BEST part...

If you click on any of the ads, guess where it takes you?

It takes you DIRECTLY to their funnel!

You can see exactly what their funnel looks like!

Now that you've seen the funnel, the next step is…

Step 3: Buy The Product!

We do what EVERY good entrepreneur has to become good at doing... 

We pull out our credit card, and we actually BUY their product.

When I bought V Shred’s product, here’s what it looked like…
Sales pages
Page 1 was a Quiz Page... so I went through the quiz.

Page 2 took me to the Sales Page, where they actually sold their product.

Then it went to Page #3, which was Upsell #1…

And then Page #4 was Upsell #2…

And then Page #5 is the Thank You Page.

Now I know EXACTLY what I need
to build to be successful!

I know this is a SUCCESS.

If I see their ads over and over and over and over again, it's gotta be successful.

(Otherwise they would stop buying ads, right?)

I go to the link, and see the photo. And I see exactly what they do.

Now I have the BLUEPRINT.

Step 4: Sketch Out Their Funnel!

Drawing funnels
I can then get my marker out, and my whiteboard or pad of paper...and I sketch out the funnel.

And now I'm ready to actually build out my FUNNEL.

 Secret #2:

How To Then Clone Their Proven Funnel 

Inside Of ClickFunnels
In Less Than 10 Minutes…

Now you have your Funnel BLUEPRINT that’s sketched out and ready for you... 

In the past, we used to have to take this Funnel Blueprint, and meet with...
  • Our Designers...
  • ​And our Programmers…
  • ​And our Webmasters…
  • ​And our Analytics people…
  • ​...and a whole bunch more.
  • Our Designers...
  • ​And our Programmers…
  • ​And our Webmasters…
  • ​And our Analytics people…
  • ​...and a whole bunch more.
They’d each go take this blueprint, and start working.

 And we’d work for 2 or 3 MONTHS!

And eventually we’d finally have a funnel that was done.

BUT - because you are here today, you're going to learn about a NEW way (and a far better way.) 

It’s through a tool that we created called ‘ClickFunnels’.


Want to see me build an ENTIRE funnel right now for you... in less than 10 minutes?

That's what we're going to do...

I'm SO excited to show you...

But before we do that, obviously I am really excited about ClickFunnels.

I can tell you all day long that it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But I want you to hear from SOMEONE ELSE…

Someone who found out about ClickFunnels, who was using other tools to TRY to run their businesses.

When they found out about it, they transitioned everything over... and it's completely TRANSFORMED their business.

Watch this quick video from Garrett J. White talking about his experience with ClickFunnels...

Watch this quick video from Garrett J. White talking about his experience with ClickFunnels...

Are you GETTING this?

Are you excited to see ClickFunnels?

Want to see us build the ENTIRE funnel in less than 10 minutes?

 If so, get prepared.... Watch this quick demo video, where I show you INSIDE of ClickFunnels...
Want to see us build the ENTIRE funnel in less than 10 minutes?
Isn’t that awesome?

So, after watching that, you might be sitting there thinking,

“Oh my gosh, I could actually do this!
It's really NOT that hard!”

That’s my goal... 

I want to show you that ClickFunnels is SO simple!

It’s built specifically for someone like me, who's NOT technical, but can actually build a funnel very simply and very easily.

I'm sure you're asking a bunch of questions right now...

Like, “does ClickFunnels do this?”

Real quick, I want to say YES!

  • ClickFunnels creates your landing pages.
  • YES - It is your shopping cart.
  • YES - Click funnels create one click upsells.
  • YES - ClickFunnels also does membership sites…
  • ...and a whole lot more! 
  • ClickFunnels creates your landing pages.
  • YES - It is your shopping cart.
  • YES - Click funnels create one click upsells.
  • YES - ClickFunnels also does membership sites…
  • ...and a whole lot more! 

Are you starting to see the POWER of ClickFunnels, and WHY it is so amazing? 

 Secret #3:

How To Get The Exact Same Customers Who Are Currently Going Through Your Competitors’ Funnels,

To Start Coming To YOUR Funnels Instead.

Let’s talk about how to get TRAFFIC and customers to actually come into your funnels!

Obviously there are LOTS of different ways you can get traffic...

Now, I’m not going to cover all of them…

But I'm going to walk you through a couple of really SIMPLE ones that are powerful.

For example… 

 Did you know that you can actually show your ads to the fans of different people that you follow online?

So for example, This is Tony Robbins’ Fan Page.

He has over 4 MILLION fans!
Facebook page
And obviously for me, when I sell my books and my courses, people that are very interested in Tony Robbins are also interested in my kind of stuff. 

If I'm able to take my ads and tell Facebook, say, 

“Hey... show this ad to ALL 4 Million of Tony Robbins’ fans”...

Is that powerful? 

I can do the same thing with Gary V. 

Gary V has got 3.5 MILLION fans who are Entrepreneurs... 

I can take my ads, and I show them to Gary V's entire following.
Facebook Page
Now some of you may be thinking,

 “That's cool Russell, but you know my customers AREN’T following Tony Robbins OR Gary V...
How do I do this for myself?” 

The same thing is TRUE in a local business. 

For example, let's say you have a business in Santa Monica.

You can go and find a company that has a following...

Take Bulletproof Cafe, for example…

They have 4,500 fans on their fan page, and you can buy ads to those fans to drive people to your store that’s also in Santa Monica.
Facebook page

Is this starting to make sense??

What’s cool is you can do the SAME thing on YouTube. 

Or you can go on Instagram…

Or other platforms as well.

But today I want to show you guys a secret that’s a little bit different.

This is something that I've been doing now for over 10 years...

(that most people NEVER even talk about!)

I'm gonna show you this strategy, because it's one of the SIMPLEST ways to get traffic that doesn't take a bunch of technical, complicated knowledge. 

It's just very simple and very EASY.

Let me walk you through this process...

So the first step in this process…


 There's actually a secret website that I use almost EVERY single day.

I can take the funnel URL (the funnel that I’m ‘Funnel Hacking’), and I put it in…

And it'll actually show me WHERE
they're getting all of their traffic!

And it'll actually show me WHERE they're getting all of their traffic!

Isn’t that crazy?

For this example, if I take V (the same site that I showed you earlier)...

...and I go to the secret website - 

which is
Write that down...

If I go to and type in and I click “submit”, it's going to pull up an entire Advertiser Profile.

That means, I'm going to see EVERYTHING that they're doing behind-the-scenes to drive traffic into their company, which is pretty cool! Right?

You can see ALL of their ads that they're currently running, AND how LONG they've actually been running for!

traffic images from adbeat
So if you see an ad that has been running for 728 days, and it’s still LIVE right now... 

What do we know?

We know it's obviously WORKING, right?

Scroll down a little further into a section that says “Top Referring Websites”.

These are the TOP websites that are sending traffic over to

So I just picked ONE random site - (I picked

I clicked on the link and BOOM... it took me to a blog.

I started scrolling through the blog, wondering how in the WORLD this blog is sending SO much traffic back over to V Shred. 

And then I saw it…

it was the EXACT same ad that we just saw earlier. 

And when I click on that ad, guess where it takes me?

Yep - it takes me to the V Shred funnel. 

Right now, I know TWO very, very powerful things...

  • #1 - I know EXACTLY where they're advertising to get traffic into their funnel!
  • ​#2 - I know EXACTLY what they're saying to get people to actually CLICK on their ads!
If you know WHERE someone is advertising...

And, you know WHAT they're saying to get people to click…

Then you should ‘Funnel Hack’ it, right?

(A.K.A. - you should MODEL it!)

And I'm not talking about “COPY”.

I'm NOT going to copy anything.

I'm going to MODEL what they're doing.

Step 2: Model The Ads

In the second step in this process, I'm going to MODEL the actual ads that they created.
I find one that I like, and model the message…

The look…

The feel…

And the layout of the ad…
The place that I go to get my banner ads created is called

So I go to, and spend $20…

I show them the ad that I'm modeling.

And I had them create something similar.

V-Shread Ad


My Ad

And I took the ad that they created for me, and went BACK into my ads on the exact same websites.

Are you getting this?

It really is THAT simple and that powerful!

 Now, INSTANTLY, a percentage of all the traffic that was going to V Shred 

will go to ME instead! 

And that quickly, I'm now getting part of the exact SAME traffic that was currently going to my competitor's funnels to start coming to MINE!
The NEXT question is…

How do you get one of these sites - like, for example, - to put YOUR ad on their site?

If you scroll to the very bottom of the website, there's a little link right that says “Advertise”.

If I click on the link, it's going to take me to a page that shows ALL the different opportunities for advertising on the site.
This site alone has 32 million monthly visitors…

They have 3 million people on their email list…

And they have over 2 million social media followers!

So all I have to do is email them, and ask them,  

“How much is it going to cost to send an email out to your list? Or to post a banner ad on your page?” 
Russell Messaging
And within minutes, my ad can literally be ON THEIR PAGE.
I wanted to share this example because it literally is one of the most SIMPLE ways to get traffic (that almost NOBODY talks about!)

When I first got started, I was trying to do Pay Per Click ads on Google…

And it was REALLY hard…

Russell Brunson
I had to figure out how to do keywords, and tagging, and all sorts of stuff.

Then, I got ‘SLAPPED’...and I shifted over to SEO. 

And I had to figure out how to do backlinking, and H1 tags, and H2 tags, and all complicated stuff!

That was HARD... and I got frustrated.

Then, when Facebook became a thing, I started doing Facebook ads.

Facebook was a bit easier, but it was still too technical for me.

I hired somebody to do it for me.

With this easy strategy, this something EVEN I CAN DO! 

I simply:
  • Go find the sites that my competitors are buying ads on.
  • ​Then, I EMAIL the site owners.
I just tell them,

“Hey, can I buy ads on your site?” 

And they say ‘YES!’ 

So I email them a link to the ad...
And send them some money…

And INSTANTLY, I start getting traffic to my funnel.

Are you getting this? Do you SEE how powerful this can be?

Literally OVERNIGHT, you can start getting a percentage of all the traffic that’s currently going to your competitor's funnels to start coming to YOURS instead!

Do you think that YOU could be successful with this?

I'm here to tell you, you CAN!

We have literally THOUSANDS of people that follow this process to build funnels that grow their businesses. 
  •  It works with recording artists…
  • ​With coaches…
  • With course creators...
  • With dentists…
  • Chiropractors...
  • Financial planners…
  • Real estate agents…
  • Network markers…
  • ...and the list goes on and on and on and on!
  •  It works with recording artists…
  • ​With coaches…
  • With course creators...
  • With dentists…
  • Chiropractors...
  • Financial planners…
  • Real estate agents…
  • Network markers…
  • ...and the list goes on and on and on and on!

And if it's worked for them…
 I promise you that it can work for YOU as well.

Here’s A Quick RECAP Of All THREE Secrets...

  •  Secret #1 - How To Ethically Steal Over $1,000,000 Of ‘Funnel Hacks’ From Your Competitors... For Under $100.
  • Secret #2 - How To Then Clone Their Proven Funnel Inside Of ClickFunnels In Less Than 10 Minutes…
  • Secret #3 - How To Get The Exact Same Customers Who Are Going Through Your Competitors’ Funnels To Start Coming To YOUR Funnels Instead!
  •  Secret #1 - How To Ethically Steal Over $1,000,000 Of ‘Funnel Hacks’ From Your Competitors... For Under $100.
  • Secret #2 - How To Then Clone Their Proven Funnel Inside Of ClickFunnels In Less Than 10 Minutes…
  • Secret #3 - How To Get The Exact Same Customers Who Are Going Through Your Competitors’ Funnels To Start Coming To YOUR Funnels Instead!
Let me ask you a question...

Are you feeling a little bit like THIS right now?
Dog drinking hose water
I want to make sure you have the chance to understand the ENTIRE overarching strategy of what ‘Funnel Hacking’ is, and how it can work for you inside of your business.

Your job NOW is to go and actually DO IT.

Now...if you’re feeling like,

“This is AMAZING...
but I don't know exactly what to do next.”

I put together a special program to help walk you through this ‘Funnel Hacking’ process to help get it implemented inside of your business as quickly possible.

This new program we created is called our:

Here's What You’re Going To Get When You Invest In ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass’ Today:



You’re Going To Get ClickFunnels PLATINUM For FREE For The Next 6 Months!

This is the exact same PLATINUM account that sells right now at for $297/month!

And you can get it for FREE for the next 6 months!

Our ‘Platinum’ Members inside of ClickFunnels are able to:
  •  Create up to 70 funnels inside their account!
  • ​Have 20,000 contacts!
  • ​Have up to a 100,000 monthly visitors!
  • ​And a whole bunch more!
  •  Create up to 70 funnels inside their account!
  • ​Have 20,000 contacts!
  • ​Have up to a 100,000 monthly visitors!
  • ​And a whole bunch more!
When you get your ClickFunnels Platinum account for FREE for the next 6 months, you're going to be able to do a bunch of cool things...

You're going to be able to create ALL of the funnels I showed you earlier, like:
  • Lead funnels
  • ​Survey funnel
  • ​Summit funnels
  • ​Book funnels
  • ​Cart funnels
  • ​Challenge funnels
  • VSL funnels
  • ​Webinar funnels
  • ​Product launch funnels
  • ​Application funnels
  • ​And more!
Funnel Bundle
On TOP of being able to CREATE all of those amazing funnels, you’ll also be able to get RID of a ton of things as well! 

You can literally get RID of your:

  • Landing page software
  • ​Split testing software
  • ​Shopping cart
  • ​Automated webinar software
  • ​Membership site software
  • ​Photoshop
  • ​Programmers
  • ​Webmasters
  • Email Autoresponders
  • ​Text message Autoresponders
  • ​Affiliate software
  • ​Membership site software
  • ​WordPress
  • ​Website hosting
  • ​Designers
  • ​And a whole bunch more!
I say it with a smile because literally--ClickFunnels should NEVER cost you anything!

Many ClickFunnels members SAVE over $1,000 or more the second they start using ClickFunnels...because of all the things that they can get rid of.

My close friend, Dean Graziosi, got rid of 20 Full-Time programmers and developers... and replaced them with ONE person building funnels inside of ClickFunnels.

That's the POWER of ClickFunnels!

It should NEVER cost you a penny.
It should only MAKE you money!

It should NEVER cost you a penny. It should only MAKE you money!

Now, you might be thinking, 

“This is awesome Russell, but what if I already have a ClickFunnels account? What should I do?” 

Don't worry, We’ve got you covered...

If you already have a ClickFunnels account, we'll actually upgrade your account to the full ‘Platinum’ account. (That's the one that sells for $297/month.)

We're going to push out your billing for an ENTIRE 6 months. (That way, for 6 months, you get access to that Platinum level for FREE.)

But Russell,“What happens AFTER the 6 months? Are you going to bill me a MILLION dollars?”

And the answer of course is “NO!”

You're going to get the ‘Platinum’ level of care, which means it's $297/month.

So if you don't do anything, you'll just stay at that level.

Now, if for some reason it doesn’t make sense for you or your business, or you can't afford it right can simply downgrade your account at any time inside the member's area without talking to anybody, ever. 

So let me recap EXACTLY what you’re getting... 

The first thing you're going to get when you get started today is:

6 months at the ‘Platinum’ level ClickFunnels account... for FREE.

That's a total value of $1,782! 

'Funnel Hacking Secrets' Masterclass

Funnel hacking secrets

You’re Going To Get Access To The ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass!

The second thing you’re going to get is access to the “Funnel Hacking Secrets” Masterclass…

Now, INSIDE of this incredible masterclass, you're going to learn how to build out all of the core funnel types!

You're gonna learn how to build:
  • Lead funnels
  • ​Survey funnel
  • ​Summit funnels
  • ​Book funnels
  • ​Cart funnels
  • ​Challenge funnels
  •  VSL funnels
  • ​Webinar funnels
  • ​Product launch funnels
  • ​Application funnels
  • ​And a whole bunch more!
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
Funnel bundle
The coolest thing about this is... these trainings have ALREADY been recorded!

It means that you don’t have to wait week after week after week, hoping that the funnel training you're looking for is going to be READY.

If you know that (for example) you’re going to be launching a book...

Just log into the members area…

Watch the training on the book funnel…

And get one of the ‘Share Funnels’...

There are literally DOZENS of book funnels that we've already PRE-CREATED for you! 

Funnel bundle
Just click on one of the ‘book funnels’ buttons…

It’ll build it inside your ClickFunnels account…

And you're ready to rock and roll!

Or, if you're like,

“I want to do a webinar”... 

Then click on the webinar training…

Get the ‘Share Funnels’ for the webinar…

And that quick, your webinar can be up and launched and live! 

I Want To Tell You Some Stories Of People Who Are Just Like You Who Had A Chance To Go Through This Training...

Liz Benny
The first is Liz Benny…

Liz watched this webclass when it first came out, and she created her own course.

Then, she created a webinar funnel to launch her course.

Over the past few years, Liz has gone on to win not just one, but MULTIPLE ‘Two Comma Club’ Awards by selling her course through webinar funnels!
Liz Benny Story
Jaime Cross
The next is Jaime Cross…

I told you part of Jaime's story earlierShe was literally selling soap at farmer's markets, and going door-to-door.  

Then, she came to the SAME webclass you're on right now.She learned about funnels, and decided, 

“I need a Cart Funnel - that’s how I’m going to sell my soaps!”

And in less than 1 year, she and her husband had a chance to come up on stage and qualify for their ‘Two Comma Club’ Award as well!
Jaime Cross
Trey Lewellen
Next is Trey Lewellen... 

Now, Trey was on this exact SAME webclass that you're on today.

And he was trying to sell all sorts of stuff on Amazon, and on Shopify...without much luck.
He said,

“You know what? I'm going to try and launch a new funnel every single week until one of these things works! ClickFunnels is so SIMPLE, I can do it EVERY single week!”

The very FIRST funnel he created, he launched the product… And it didn't work.  

The SECOND funnel he launched… It did ‘ok’.  

The THIRD funnel he launched… It did ‘ok’.  

And he kept, doing it over and over and over again...

But on his 11th funnel, he launched, selling a Flashlight.

And that funnel TOOK OFF!

And Trey got the RECORD for the fastest person to have a funnel reach ‘Two Comma Club’, and then ‘Two Comma Club X’...(‘Two Comma Club X’ means it made OVER $10 MILLION inside of a funnel!) 

All because he went through this process and use it for the products and the services that he sold. 
Trey Lewellen
Brandon and Kaelin Poulin
The next story is from Brandon and Kaelin Poulin...

When they first watched this masterclass, they didn't have a business yet.

They knew they wanted to create something...
They knew they wanted to help women to lose weight...

But they didn't have an idea what they were going to DO.

After watching this webclass and going through the same training I'm giving you today, they decided to create a brand called LadyBoss.
And you may have seen these two, they're HUGE online now.

Through this training, they came up with an idea to help women to lose weight.

And they use a funnel to launch their FIRST company…

The FIRST funnel that they created launched their APP.

The SECOND funnel that they created, launched their COURSES.

Then they created a funnel to launch their MEMBERSHIP SITE.

Then a funnel to launch their SWAG.

Then a funnel to launch their SUPPLEMENTS.

Then a funnel to launch their LIVE EVENTS.

Then a funnel to launch their COACHING PROGRAM.

They literally have funnels for EVERY single thing they're selling!

And they did it all through the SAME training program that you can get TODAY.
Brandon and Kaelin Poulin

This is NOT a unique experience…

In fact, this is happening over and over and over with all the‘Funnel Hackers’, just like YOU!

I want to show you one last video from somebody else who had a chance to go through this ‘Funnel Hacking’ process with me…
Drew Canole
His name is Drew Canole...
Drew launched his company Organifi, which I told you guys about earlier…

But I want you to hear in his own words, not only how it transformed him and his business...

...but also transformed the lives of people that he was able to serve because of the products and services that he created. 
I LOVE that story from Drew!

I hope that as you were watching his story, you start thinking...

 What's going to happen to YOU, and your business as your product gets out there, and starts changing the lives of the people that YOU are called to serve?

That's what this is all about.

Now, some of you guys I know were watching this and thinking,

“Man, this is cool, but I don't have a product yet. What am I supposed to do?”

Maybe you don't have soap like Jaime…

Maybe you don’t have supplements like Drew…

Maybe you know you WANT to do something,

but you don't know where to start.

If that's YOU, I don't want that to be an excuse ANYMORE!

My guess this is not the first training you’ve been on where you’re like,

“I WISH I could do that, but I don't have anything yet…”

If you're in that startup phase of a business, you're trying to figure out the next steps, I want to give you something to help you... 
I created the ENTIRE course that’s going to teach you how to create your OWN information products.
How to create courses, and products, and things that you can sell really, really quickly online.

If you think about it, when Kaelin launched her company, LadyBoss, the first product wasn't supplements.

It wasn't the t-shirts.

It was a COURSE!

It was a membership site, where she was TEACHING people!
Kaelin Poulin

This training is going to teach you: 

  • How to build your own COURSE…
  • AND, how to take the things inside your head, (the knowledge information that you have), and turn into something you can actually sell online!

We don't sell this course ANYWHERE else online right now...

 But I'm going to GIVE it to you for FREE when you invest in ‘Funnel Hacker Secrets Masterclass’ because you're on here today.

That way you'll NEVER again have to say, 

“I don't have a product”

Because now you've GOT something that's going to teach you EXACTLY how to create your very first product!

So here’s a recap of EXACTLY what you’re getting so far...

The first thing you're going to get when you get started today is:

6 months ‘Platinum’ level ClickFunnels account... for FREE.

The second thing you're going to get is:

 The “Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass”.

Funnel Hacking Secrets Masterclass

That's a total value
of $3,779! 

What Else Do You Need To Be Successful?

What about more traffic?

I want to make sure that there are zero excuses.

'Traffic Secrets'

Traffic Secrets

You’re Going To Get The
Traffic Secrets Course!

I wrote an entire book called Traffic Secrets, teaching people how to get traffic into their websites and their funnels.

So I want to share with you not just one way to get traffic...

So I want to give you ALL the ways that we get traffic into our funnels.
Traffic SEcrets

I'm going to give you access to a special training course that I did just for my HIGHEST-END members...

It was a comprehensive 2-Day event called,

Traffic Secrets.

Inside this training, I gave all of my traffic secrets:
  • My solo ad secrets…
  • ​My media buying secrets...
  • ​My Facebook traffic secrets…
  • ​My SEO secrets…
  • ​My social media secrets…
  • ​My affiliate secrets…
  • ​And a whole bunch more!
Russell Brunson

This training is NOT technical.

So don’t stress out. (I’m NOT a technical person, as you can probably tell.)

Most of the training was done by me doodling out images and explaining core concepts that you can then model inside of your business as well.

So now you have EVERYTHING you needto get traffic into your funnel!

So let me walk through with you what you’re going to get again... 

#1 - ClickFunnels (6 Month ‘Platinum’ account)...for FREE
#2 - ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass
#3 - Traffic secrets Training Course

That brings the Total Value
now to $5,776!

So Now You've Got…
    • The Funnel SOFTWARE…
    • ​The Funnel TRAINING…
    • ​and, TRAFFIC coming to your funnels...
    • The Funnel SOFTWARE…
    • ​The Funnel TRAINING…
    • ​and, TRAFFIC coming to your funnels...

    What Else Are You Going To Need To Be Successful?


    Virtual Hackathons
    Here’s what I’ve found that’s interesting...

    The #1 REASON why most people DON’T take action is that they have FEAR that,

    “What if I don't know what I'm doing?”

    “What if I can’t figure out my own way?”

    “What if I get stuck?”

    What if... What if… What if?

    It’s all these “WHAT IF’s” that makepeople scared, right? 

    So because of that, they don't take action.

    They don't get signed up.

    They don't go and start building the first funnel.

    I totally get it...I'm the SAME way. 

    I LIKE getting coaching
    from a LIVE person.

    When I was a wrestler, I had a coach who would help me.

    When I was a student, I had teachers that helped me.

    The problem with having LIVE coaches
    who can help is…


    To get a coach in the business-building market, on the ‘low end’, you're looking at $10,000... (And the ‘high end’, is $25,000 or more!)

    In fact, I've got a coaching program called ‘Two Comma Club X’, and people pay $25,000/year to be part of it.

    One thing we did INSIDE that coaching program, that was super cool because something we call 

    Virtual Hackathon
    Virtual Hackathon
    This is where we pick a funnel...

    Then everybody in the coaching program would jump on, and create that funnel step-by-step...

    We wouldn't get OFF the ‘Virtual Hackathons’ until each of their funnels was DONE, and ready to go.

    And it was amazing!

    The only problem is that it was ONLY open
    to our $25,000 members. 

    But that makes total sense, right?

    Because I had to hire an entire TEAM of coaches who were literally coaching these people, and helping hold their hands through things like,
    • Buying their domain names…
    • ​Getting it set up...
    • ​Pointing the things to our servers…
    • ​Getting the funnel set up…
    • Buying their domain names…
    • ​Getting it set up...
    • ​Pointing the things to our servers…
    • ​Getting the funnel set up…

    There's SO many little pieces and steps to get done!

    But here’s what’s REALLY amazing…

    When our coaching program was done for the year, our members told us that,

     ‘Virtual Hackathons’ was the #1 KEY to actually having success with their funnel.

    It ENDED their procrastination!

    There was no more “Oh, I'll do it tomorrow.”

    They just jumped in, and got it DONE!

    They were able to get their questions answered LIVE.

    They never got STUCK, or thought,

    “Uh-oh, I don't know what to do.”

    Their questions got answered LIVE right there on the Virtual Hackathons call, so their funnels actually got DONE!

    This was the KEY: 
    Having a funnel that your're "working on" does not make you money. Having a funnel that's done, that you can launch is where you start actually making money
    These Virtual Hackathons FORCED you to actually get the funnel done. 

    So I decided to do a test...

    (This JUST for those of you who are here reading this today...

    This is NOT going to be available outside to the public, or outside of this presentation right here.)

    I've NEVER offered this before, ANYWHERE else.  

    Not at LIVE events or anywhere, except for people that are paying us $25,000.  

    My question to you is this…

    How Would You Like It If I Gave You “Backdoor Access” To These Virtual Hackathons

    Right now, because these are SO successful for our members, we do these Hackathons EVERYDAY Monday - Friday! 

    (Once in the morning, and once in the afternoon.)
    Every single time, we pick a different funnel type to focus on. 

    So the morning Hackathon might be on a Book Funnel…

    And the afternoon Hackathon might be a Webinar Funnel...

    Or a High Ticket Funnel…

    Or a Cart Funnel…

    Or a Lead Funnel…
    Virtual Hackathon

    We ROTATE through all the different funnels.

    Twice a day, this happens!  

    They pick ONE funnel, and then they build it out with you, step-by-step.

    It's not something where it takes you a week, or a month, or a year.

    By the time the Virtual Hackathon is over,
    your funnel is actually DONE! 

    Again, we charge people $25,000 for the service right now!

    But you're going to get UNLIMITED access to our Virtual Hackathons for as long as you're a ClickFunnels ‘Platinum’ member.

    So let me recap what you’re going to get…

    •  First, you get… ClickFunnels (6 Month ‘Platinum’ account)
    • ​Second, you get… The ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass
    • ​Third, you get... Traffic secrets training course for thing at the virtual daily.
    • ​Fourth, you get... UNLIMITED access to LIVE Virtual Hackathons (for as long as you stay a ‘Platinum’ ClickFunnels member)
    • ​... Plus a whole bunch more! 
    •  First, you get… ClickFunnels (6 Month ‘Platinum’ account)
    • ​Second, you get… The ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass
    • ​Third, you get... Traffic secrets training course for thing at the virtual daily.
    • ​Fourth, you get... UNLIMITED access to LIVE Virtual Hackathons (for as long as you stay a ‘Platinum’ ClickFunnels member)
    • ​... Plus a whole bunch more! 

    A Total Value of $11,552!

    Now obviously, we're not going to charge you $11,552…

    But if we DID charge $11,552…

    If ALL This Did Was...

    • Finally give you a Funnel that was PROFITABLE, where you could put $1 in advertising in, and get $2 back out...
    • ​Help you share your message about your product and your service with more people...
    • ​Give you the ability to cancel all the monthly tools that you're currently using to glue together your funnels…
    • Finally give you a Funnel that was PROFITABLE, where you could put $1 in advertising in, and get $2 back out...
    • ​Help you share your message about your product and your service with more people...
    • ​Give you the ability to cancel all the monthly tools that you're currently using to glue together your funnels…

    ...Would It Be Worth $11,552?

    (Of course it would!)

    I already told you that most of our members SAVE over $1,000 per month from all that they can cancel!

    That's $12,000 a year!  

    So literally the money you SAVE would more than cover the cost...even at $11,552!

    But again, we're not going to charge you that today.

    When I was pricing this,
    I had two choices…

    Option #1 - I could go as cheap as possible, and try to sell everybody on this page.

    The problem with that though is, it didn't really incentivize me to stack on the value for you guys.

    Now, here’s what’s interesting…

    Since we've launched ClickFunnels, we've had tons of people who've launched companies trying to be the next ClickFunnels killer, and try to take us out.

    How do I know that?

    Well, guess what they do? 

    They Try To Undercut Us In Pricing.

    They’ll come in and be like,

    “We're going to do it for $97, one time!”

    But then guess what happens?

    They sell a bunch of them, and then they can't afford the customer service.

    At ClickFunnels, we have 400 full time employees that are here right now to serve you...

    And 250 of those are dedicated to customer support alone!  

    So if you get stuck in the middle of the night, there's somebody there to help you with your funnel.

    Because of that, if I would have made it too “cheap”, I couldn’t have supported you, or the rest of the community.
    So because of that, we had to go with the second option…
    Option #2 - Obviously it requires a little bit higher investment on your side...but in exchange for that, I can devote more resources to help guarantee your success.

    Now, obviously I can't guarantee your SUCCESS...  

    BUT, I'm going to give you EVERYTHING that I canpossibly do inside of my power, and my resources to help you be successful. 

    Now my question for you is…

    What do you think ONE funnel would be worth to you?

    Russell Brunson
    I get it - everyone's business is different.

    But for YOU personally,

    If you had a funnel that was WORKING…

    If it was generating leads for you…

    And selling your products…

    How much do you think that ONE funnel would be worth to YOU, specifically?

    How many NEW leads could you get from just ONE funnel?

    How many SALES could your funnel create for you every single day on autopilot, WITHOUT you even having to be there?

    Now, to put this into perspective...

    There are currently 787 members inside of ClickFunnels (as of today when I'm recording this)  

    ...who have earned a
    Two Comma Club’ Award.

    2CC Awards
    (That means they've had one funnel that made at least $1 MILLION in gross revenue.)

    That's really cool, right?

    But beyond the MILLION dollars, what would that actually represent for YOU inside YOUR business?

    How much IMPACT could you have on people's lives?

    If you made $1 Million, it means you've helped THOUSANDS of customers’ lives!

    So my question for you is,

    How much would ONE profitable funnel be worth to you inside of YOUR specific business?

    For some of you, it might be worth $10,000 a month.

    For others, it’s worth $100,000 a month.

    And for others, it's probably even MORE than that!

    ONE funnel can literally change your business... and it's probably going to change your LIFE as well!

    So you can probably see why people pay our company $500,000 (PLUS royalties) to set up a single funnel for them…

    Because it's not a “COST”.

    It doesn't cost you money, it’s an INVESTMENT.

    It's not something you buy, where it sits there, and it starts depreciating over time... 
    Money trees

    It becomes an investment that GROWS! 

    But don't worry.

    You're not going to pay the $500,000 that we charge people when we're doing it for them...

    Because we literally give you EVERYTHING you need to be able to do this on your own!

    So you can see why this would be an AMAZING deal if I did charge $5,000 for it…

    At our LIVE events, I usually sell something similar to this for $2,997. 

    But because you are here TODAY, I want to make you a very, very special offer!

    Something that was such a ‘no brainer’ that you'd have to go say ‘YES!”...

    Something that was SO good, and inexpensive…

    ...that you do what all GOOD entrepreneurs do, and pull out your wallet, and pull your credit card out, and get started right now!

    I’m Going To Give You Access To EVERYTHING We Talked About Today For Just

    One Payment
    Of $997.

    I want you to understand something…

    The ClickFunnels ‘Platinum’ account that I'm giving you for FREE for the next 6 months - the $1,780 value - that's not just some made up number...

    If you go to right now, you’ll see that it's $297/month to have access to what you are getting for FREE for the next 6 months!
    ClickFunnels Platinum
    We currently have over 18,000+ people currently paying for access to our ‘Platinum’ level of ClickFunnels, something we're GIVING you for FREE today.

    Right Now, You've Got Two Choices…

    Option #1: Don’t Do Anything.

    You learned some good stuff today, but you know, you're probably not going to implement unless you take the next step, right?

    So your first option is to not do anything... and not take this leap of faith, which by the way, it is 100% risk free...


    Option #2: Just Give It A Shot!

    Just pony up this tiny little investment today, compared to all the value you'll get in return, and see if it's going to work for you.

    We have a philosophy here in my company that says if we can't make you money, we don't deserve yours, and so we'll give you your money back.

    And because of that, we have a 30-day money back guarantee. 

    Here’s How My Guarantee Works…

    If for any reason at all you decide it’s not for you - I don't care if it's 29 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes from today - just let us know and we'll give you your money back.

    But I don't want you to make that decision TODAY..

    Make that decision in 30 days from right now.

    All you need to decide today is,

    “Do I think that this might work for me?”

    If so, go get STARTED...

     Then go play with the SOFTWARE...

    Go watch the TRAININGS…

     And get on the LIVE Funnel HACKATHONS!

    And experience EVERYTHING that we're doing!

    And then, and the end of 30 days, then decide if it's worth it for you.

    If it's not, no problem... I'll give you your money back.

    But if it IS, then in 30 days, now your next funnel could beDONE, UP, LAUNCHED, and LIVE!

    So the REAL question for you is this…

    “Is It Worth Gambling Just A Few Minutes Of Your Time To Check This Out?” 

    Even if it only does HALF of what I've claimed on today's training… will literally pay for itself as soon as your very first funnel is LIVE!

    But, I've Got One Last Thing For You!

    I want to give a SPECIAL BONUS for those of you who are ready to get started RIGHT NOW…
    Platinum bundle


    ClickFunnels “UNLIMITED” Account

    I told you earlier that our ClickFunnels ‘Platinum’ members inside their ClickFunnels account, they can:
    • Create 70 FUNNELS…
    • ​Have 20,000 CONTACTS in their account…
    • ​And, have up to 100,000 MONTHLY VISITORS...
    • Create 70 FUNNELS…
    • ​Have 20,000 CONTACTS in their account…
    • ​And, have up to 100,000 MONTHLY VISITORS...

    But, for anyone who signs up on this page RIGHT NOW, here’s what I’m going to do... 


     I'm not just going to give you 70 funnels inside your account...

    (Normally I’d DOUBLE that, and give you 140…)

    I’m going to give you UNLIMITED FUNNELS inside your ClickFunnels account!

    You can create 100, or 500, or 1,000 funnels inside your account, and I'm not going to charge you the extra!


    I’m not going to give you 20,000 contacts…

    (Normally I double this as well, but I'm not going to double it...)

     I'm going to give you UNLIMITED CONTACTS!

    You can have a MILLION people inside of your ClickFunnels database, and we’re not going to charge you anything extra!


    Right now you have 100,000 monthly visitors.

    (I would normally DOUBLE that, and give you 200,000/mth…)

     But I'm going to give you UNLIMITED VISITORS!

    That means, you could send a MILLION people a day to ClickFunnels!

    If you did that through a traditional website, you would get overages of THOUSANDS of dollars per month, and would have to pay for that! 

    I'm Going To EAT Those Costs For You.

    So you can send a MILLION people a day to ClickFunnels, and your bandwidth costs will NOT go up!


    My PRIORITY SUPPORT team will actually have your back!

    What that means is, they will log into your account, and if you have some questions, they’ll say,

    “Oh, this person is one of our ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass members!”

    You'll jump the TOP of the support line, and they'll jump in there and get your questions answered FAST!

    Even if it's 2:00am, and you need help, or can’t figure something out..

    They’ll tell you how to do it! (And a lot of times, they’ll just log into your account and do it for you, or they’ll make a video showing you how to do it!)

    A value that's priceless.

    Here’s Everything You’ll Get…

    Platinum bundle

    Total Value: $11,552

    You Get It For Just


    Click the button below to get INSTANT access RIGHT NOW to ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass.
    • ClickFunnels (6 Month ‘Platinum’ Account)
    • ​The ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass...
    • ​The Traffic Secrets Training Course…
    • ​UNLIMITED Access TO Virtual Hackathons…
    • ​And, you get the ‘ClickFunnels UNLIMITED’ BONUS! 

    Total Value: $11,552

    You Get It For Just


    Click the button below to get INSTANT access RIGHT NOW to ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass.
    From here, you're just a few clicks away from instant access to the tools and strategies you need to begin building your funnel, and growing your business online... starting RIGHT NOW!

    Click on the button above to get ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass (and everything that comes with it), and we can finally get started!

    Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watch the training video. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


    Russell Brunson

    P.S. 30 days from now, you can be sitting exactly where you are now...or on a crazy wild ride driving your business "full speed ahead", and growing your company, your income, and your IMPACT on the world. Your choice.

    P.S.S. This isn't about ME. Whether or not you decide to get the ‘Funnel Hacking Secrets’ Masterclass won't change my life one iota. But it will change YOUR life. This decision is about YOU. And your business. And the incredible new life that you'll have created for you and your family. It all starts today...
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